The best way to learn about our community is to visit us on a Sunday morning.
Join us for a worship service at 9:00 am Sunday.
As you enter the worship space, you will be greeted by friendly faces then as you make your way into the Sanctuary an usher will give you a bulletin with the order of the service. Typically the service begins with Confession and Forgiveness, where we turn to God in prayer and are reminded of the forgiveness we are given in Jesus. Then we sing, pray and read the bible together off slides. We hear a message about connecting the Bible's story to our stories. This is the Sermon from the Pastor. You can see what a bulletin looks like by downloading this week's located on the homepage.
Families are encouraged to worship together. Each week children are invited to come forward for a message just for them- 'Children's Message'. There is also a nursery available, if needed. After worship services the Fellowship Hall is often buzzing with conversation. Join us for a time of coffee, treats, and good company and conversation. Some people dress up a little for Sunday morning worship, wearing dress pants and nicer tops. Others wear jeans and a t-shirt. You are welcome to come as you are! The building is handicap accessible in most areas. Please contact us if you have any questions.